

Meaning of Wabisabi

In a few words,wabi-sabi (侘寂) is the beauty of imperfect things. Of course, that would be overly simplistic explanation for such a deep and profoundly rooted notion in the Japanese spirit. Something between an artistic concept, a philosophy of life and a personal feeling. Wabi-Sabi actually; a two word combination, is everywhere in Japanese culture.

Wabi refers to the kind of beauty found in asymmetrical, uneven or unbalanced things. The asymmetry of a ceramic bowl is an example of wabi.

Sabi is the beauty of aged things and speaks to the impermanence of life through the passage of time. An example of sabi is the lovely patina found on a rusted old metal wall.

The Wabisabishop brand

Wabisabishop.jp is a Tokyo based Japanese tea accessory brand. We are committed to delivering high quality Japanese products & unforgettable true Japan experience to our customers worldwide.

We proudly source majority of the products from remote corners of Japan that has hundreds of years of tea making ancestry. Our collections are based on recommendations and careful advice on certified Japanese tea ceremony master.

We started in 2021 and it is our mission to bring timeless ritual & esthetics of traditional Japanese tea ceremony to our customers' daily lives. We offer reasonable prices, free worldwide shipping* and exceptional customer service.